Minggu, 07 Mei 2017

task 3


Three questions to answer

  1. Who is your favorite characters... and why did you chose her/him ?
  2. What is the best scene in the movie and what does it taught you ?
  3. Write 10 words that the characters in the movie spelled, along with their meaning

  1. My favorite character is Javier ,because he is friendly and easy to get along,  i think from how to get along with akeelah has proven that he is friendly and fast familiar.
  2. when javier try to extend time to Akeelah  so that to return on audition stage .
  3. 10 word
  • Prestidigitation = sulap
  • Grovel = kerikil
  • Doubt = ragu-ragu
  • Fanciful = aneh
  • Madrigal = sajak pendek tentang cinta
  • Cognizant = sadar
  • Lumze = menyala
  • Argillaceous = berlempung
  • Eminent = unggul/terkenal
  • Placid = tenang

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